


How do I contact the company?

You can contact the company by filling out the form in the Contact section of the site.

Fill in the form >


You can also phone +39 051 0217415 or write to info@comastridistribution.com


Would you like to chat with us?

You can contact the company with the chatbot found on the site at the bottom right, or directly on whatsapp.

Write to us on WhatsApp >

How can I contact Comastri Distribution technical support?

It is not possible to contact Comastri Distribution technicians directly. For any information, please contact the secretary's office by calling +39 051 0217415 or writing to info@comastridistribution.com

What are the opening hours of the sales secretary's office?

The secretary's office is open from Monday to Friday, 8.30 to 13.00 and 14.00 to 18.00. You can contact her on +39 051 0217415 or by writing to  info@comastridistribution.com